Turkey Breast with Cranberry Sausage Meat stuffing and Streaky Bacon topping

Turkey Breast with Cranberry Sausage Meat stuffing and Streaky Bacon topping

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Our free-range, locally sourced turkey breast is stuffed with cranberry sausage meat and topped with dry cured streaky bacon. This is a great show stopper, that is packed full of flavour and stays succulent due to the streaky bacon and stuffing.

Cooking Instructions

  1. Take the turkey breast out of the fridge and allow it to come to room temperature for an hour. Heat the oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Put a rack inside an oven tray with the onion and carrot underneath, or arrange the vegetables inside an ovenproof frying pan.
  2. Weigh the turkey breast and calculate 40 mins per kilo plus an additional 20 mins.
  3. Rub the butter over the skin and season well. Put the turkey breast on the rack or rest it on top of the veg. Pour in enough water to cover the veg and cover the whole tin or pan with a tent of foil.
  4. Roast for the allotted time, taking the foil off 20 mins before the end to brown the skin. Test with the point of a knife and see if the point feels hot as soon as you pull it out (be careful) and the juices run clear. If you have a thermometer then it should read 65-70C. If the joint appears to be underdone then keep cooking for another 10 mins.
  5. Leave the turkey to rest for 20 mins somewhere warm; it will keep cooking so the final internal temperature will rise to 70C or just above that. Don’t skip this step or the juices will all flow out as you carve.
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